Friday, April 23, 2021

Sonnet for the Father of My Child

 Hello World

I wrote this for my fiancé when my daughter was only 6 months old. We just recently passed our 2nd anniversary, which I know seems like a short time but when you know you know... You know? Even in just two years, we have already been through so much and he means the absolute world to me.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Where Have I Been?

 Hello World

I have been missing in action for the past few months but I swear it hasn't been intentional. A
a lot happened really rapidly and it caused me to have to take an unexpected hiatus. The most time-consuming change is that I moved. Where I have moved too has opened the ability to start gardening, albeit only in pots, but it's a start. As well as now I can be more adventurous with my cooking, since most of the people here have a broader pallet, the major change in my menu is that is I now do meatless Mondays, and I now have a menu. There is an even bigger change that happened recently and if you follow my Instagram you may already know about it. If not then you'll find out soon enough.