Saturday, December 5, 2020

She's Growing So Fast

Hello World

So, I have been kept very busy as of late. Even at this moment, I have my princess sleeping on my chest because she woke up and instantly wanted Mama, only to then fall asleep again. Cora has been growing so fast and reaching so many milestones as well as picking up some new, and even some unpleasant, habits. 

Cora has finally learned how to crawl really well and now she is unstoppable. She now moves all around the living room playing with her toys and pulling herself up on everything. I get to also play the game of redirecting her away from things she isn't supposed to be playing with and honestly it has been coming along pretty well. If she goes for any decoration that is within her reach I only really have to redirect her once and she finds something she knows she can play with. She also has a fascination with her dad chopping up wood for the woodstove and will sit at the gate and watch him. He tends to talk to her and make faces at her which causes her to giggle. It makes my heart happy.

Cora has also started something not so great in that she now smacks faces. It doesn't hurt obviously but I don't want her to think it's okay to do so I have two things I do in this situation. First, I take her hand and tell her "we don't hit". Then, I gently press her hand to my face and tell her "we are gentle". If she laughs and continues to do it I then place her down, either on the floor or in her pack 'n play, and walk away. Sometimes she fusses and sometimes she finds a toy to play with, but either way, she has been doing it less and less so I'd say it seems to be working.

She has also stopped wanting to eat food from a spoon, for the most part, choosing to feed herself instead. This has been pretty great because she just eats what we are eating for the most part. If she can't then I have stuff for her of course. Her favorites are chicken nuggets, mac 'n cheese, and green beans. She really really likes green beans which makes me really happy. She also enjoys bananas and grapes. 

She'll be turning 10 months this month and it feels like time has been moving so fast lately. I turn around and she's doing something new and I'm amazed. I never realized how fast time must have been moving for my mom.

Thank you so much for reading.


  1. Cherish every moment, as it all goes so very quick!!

  2. The hitting phase is no fun! It's so fun to see them learning so much though.
