Saturday, December 12, 2020

Top 10 Family-friendly Holiday Movies

Hello World

So, technically in our house we celebrate Yule and exchange gifts during the Winter Solstice. However, they don't exactly make a lot of children's holiday movies about Yule. In fact, I don't know of a single one. I did grow up with a bunch of great Holiday movies about family and love that I look forward to sharing with my daughter though. I also decided to share the top 10 movies here.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

She's Growing So Fast

Hello World

So, I have been kept very busy as of late. Even at this moment, I have my princess sleeping on my chest because she woke up and instantly wanted Mama, only to then fall asleep again. Cora has been growing so fast and reaching so many milestones as well as picking up some new, and even some unpleasant, habits.