Saturday, November 21, 2020

To My First Child

Oh, my perfect child, how I love you

Around your finger is where I am curled

You have completely changed my point of view

From the first day you came into my world

I have been so happy since you got here

When you smile the room lights up so bright

You have to know that I am always near

And that I will forever hold you tight

I loved carrying you for 9 long months

Even with the morning sickness and pain

And sometimes I felt like a complete dunce

But I knew life with you would never be plain

My dear you are so beyond beautiful

Your place in my heart is unmovable

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Yummy Sloppy Joes

Hello world

I love sloppy joes. Always have since I was a kid. When we had it, which was probably once every few months or so, I was always super excited. Now that I'm an adult and I cook dinner I get to pick what we eat. Now sure, you can go buy some canned sloppy joes sauce if you want, but this is so much better. It tastes so much better. Now we never have to worry about having the cans, especially since the ingredients are stuff we already have at the house. If you've never really paid attention to the flavor profile of sloppy joes I won't be surprised. It's basically sweeter ketchup with some other seasonings added in. It definitely isn't the healthiest of meals, but it's a little healthier since it isn't out of a can, at least the whole sauce isn't.

The recipe is a simple one, and it's easy to take and add what you want. I add green peppers because while I'm not a fan of them, they work well here, and then it has a veggie in it, so you know, health. Of course, if you don't eat meat you could always replace the ground beef with any meat substitute you use. If you do make this at home make sure to share it and tag me!

Instagram: @AWitchyMamasKitchen | Twitter: @AWitchyMama2020 
Facebook @AWitchyMamasKitchen | Pinterest: @AWitchyMama2020

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Deep Fried Apple Rings

Hello World

Apples are a fruit that tends to be in our house, and
we often get multiple bags for free. So I end up with the task of figuring out what to do with them. Well, while I was thinking about what to do with one of our many bags I started pondering over different ways to cook things and I came to an idea; I can deep fry them. The deep fry batter is pretty much a basic batter with some cinnamon and allspice added. The apples' sweetness and the batter complement each other flawlessly, though a topping never hurt. I chose to top mine with powdered sugar but I imagine that chocolate syrup or caramel sauce would go really well with it; I just didn't have either on hand at the time.

Now, for my recipe I used red delicious apples,
because that's what I had on hand, but you could really use any type of apples you want. To remove the core of the apple I used a pumpkin carving tool and just poked it through to cut it out. It took a bit of time, but I didn't think to use my frosting tips until after I was done. If you make these make sure to share it on social media and tag me with what type of apples you used! 

Instagram: @AWitchyMamasKitchen | Twitter: @AWitchyMama2020 
Facebook @AWitchyMamasKitchen | Pinterest: @AWitchyMama2020